Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Lent 2012

We are throwing ourselves wholeheartedly into Lent this year, even though Mike, Holly, and Mimi don't know it yet!  I have been praying for weeks about the right thing to give up for Lent.  Nothing has moved me.  I want something that is a true sacrifice, is meaningful, and is doable.  I had the radio station, Klove, on this morning.  They suggested giving up all beverages except water.  I knew right away that I should do it.  So, yes I am giving up my morning cup of coffee, my afternoon diet soda, my evening cup of hot tea and yes my friends, that wonderful and relaxing glass of wine at the end of the day!  I will drink only self-sustaining, refreshing, plain water for Lent.  And I will do my very best not to be cranky!  My Lenten devotion is Rediscover Lent by Matthew Kelly.  I pray that each of you will have a Life-changing Lent as well.

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